showing 13 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyear
Close Combat: First to Fight 2K Games (Destineer)2005labelminimizeminimize
Battle Engine Aquila Atari (Lost Toys)2003labelimagesubject
Odin Sphere  Atlus (Vanillaware)2007labelimagesubject
Rogue Trooper Eidos (Rebellion)2006labelimagesubject
Ring of Red Konami (KCE Studios)2001labelimagesubject
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes  LucasArts (Krome Studios)2009labelimagesubject
WWI: Aces of the Sky Midas Interactive Entertainment (Naps Team)2006labelimageminimize
WWII: Battle over Europe Midas Interactive Entertainment (Interactive Vision)2007labelimageminimize
WWII: Tank Battles Midas Interactive Entertainment (Interactive Vision)2006labelimageminimize
Robot Warlords  Midas Interactive Entertainment;Nexus Interact (DaZZ)2000labelimageminimize
Killzone Sony Computer Entertainment (Guerilla Games)2004labelimagesubject
Drakengard  Square Enix;Take 2 Interactive (cavia)2003labelimagesubject
Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior  THQ (Kuju Entertainment)2003labelimagesubject